Calm, Cool & Cockroaches

I got a sunburn yesterday. In NYC.

Just last week I woke up early to get in 9 holes of golf in before work. (It’s the year of my single digit handicap.) It was 35 degrees out. I wore long-johns under my golf pants. It was freezing. A “frost delay” meant the course had to open 30 minutes later than expected.

I broke 100. That’s all you need to know.

Also, nothing more calm & zen then a solo round. Let’s normalize golfing alone.

Anyways, today, it’s expected to be in the mid-80’s here in New York. Sticky heat. August-esque weather.

I always joke about how spring and fall each last 2 seconds here in New York. One day, it’s well below freezing, & then, a mere 48 hours later, you have to crank up your AC & wear sunscreen… And then, after 5ish months of summer, sometime in late September, we’ll finally ditch the sweaty-upper-lip, 80 & 90 degree heat, and be treated to what feels like 3-4 seconds of optimal, brisk autumn weather. Low-60s. Cool enough to throw on a mean fit (slang for cool outfit), but warm enough to not have to deal with your jacket at the bar.

Fall & Spring collectively last about 5 days here. The remaining 360 days of the year are dominated by Winter & Summer. It’s bogus.

As you might be able to tell, I’m talking about the weather. My brain isn’t quite firing today. I’m absolutely swamped with work. A little stressed. My to-do list looks like a goddamn CVS receipt. This is one of the “buckle-down & get through” it type of weeks.

We also found a cockroach (water bug) in my apartment this AM. Not good.

Anyways, welcome back, friends. It’s roach week. Trust Fun week 28 slugs along. Let’s dance. Short & sweet this week.

Rocket Boosting With Rebuy

Last week, I spoke about boosting AOV (average order value) with Rebuy Engine leveraging gifts with purchase. Kill your discount, give the customer a free hat or tee, & turn them into a walking billboard. It’s not rocket science, folks. Rebuy’s SmartCart features are an endless weapon to increasing AOV & eliminating checkout friction.

They’ve truly thought of everything under the sun you would need for a badass cart. No dev needed. The UI/UX is clean & incredibly customizable, too. Also, and this is probably the most important thing, Rebuy’s customer success & support team is EASILY one of the best of any partner I’ve worked with in all my years in ecomm. ALWAYS quick to respond, hop on a call & explain it to me like I’m 5 years old. If I’m confused about something or can’t make a feature work, the gang is on the case within minutes.

If you’re not using Rebuy yet, I’m not sure what you’re doing. Leaving lots of dollars on the table. Check ‘em out here & tell them Trust Fun sent you.

As always, free Trust Fun Baby hat to those who talk to Rebuy. Some people are calling it the hat of the summer. Just ordered 250 more.

These hats have been one of the best things I’ve ever made. I can’t even count the amount of people who stop me on the street & ask me where they can get one.

So excited to have more to get out there. Lots of stuff coming!

Have the best week. Hope there are no roaches in your life.