Showers, Shiny & Sh*tty

Trust Fun is brought to you by WithCoverage

Does your business have insurance? Yes? Good. Now go talk to WithCoverage because they’ll save you lots of money. Mugsy just moved all our insurance policies over, and we’re saving a boatload of cash this year. It was SO easy. Better coverage. Lower costs. A modernized process. It’s honestly a no-brainer if you have business insurance to at least get a quote. If you’re interested, just reply to this or DM me, and I’ll intro you directly to the founder. Easy peasy. Actually, the easiest win of 2025. And take the money your saving on insurance & get your house cleaned. Win, win, win. Tell ‘em Cael sent you 🙂 

I recently did something that fundamentally changed the way I view adulthood: I hired a cleaning service for the first time in my life. And let me tell you—it was incredible.

Like, not just “oh, my apartment smells like lemons now” incredible. I’m talking existential clarity level. I walked back into my apartment, and it felt like the start of a new chapter in my life. I could see my reflection in my stovetop. My bathroom looked like it was prepped for a Zillow photo shoot. Even my air felt cleaner.

But here’s the real kicker—I didn’t realize how much my environment affected me until it was spotless.

Flash forward to last weekend. I went to a Barry’s Bootcamp class with a friend—because nothing screams “Saturday fun” like being screamed at while sprinting uphill at 12 mph. Afterward, instead of fighting for a shower with 20 other sweaty people like sardines in a glass can, we went back to his apartment to shower.

Now, let me be clear—my friend isn’t a gross person. Neither are his roommates. Objectively, they’re clean, functioning adults. But compared to my newly scrubbed, lemon-scented apartment? The bathroom was ~rough~.

If your shower curtain looks like this, PLEASE fix. It actually can make you sick…

Twelve months ago, this wouldn’t have fazed me. I’d hop in, rinse off, and move on with my life. But after experiencing what a truly clean space feels like, I was standing in that shower like:
“Am I even getting clean right now? Or am I just marinating in new bacteria?”

That’s when it hit me: Cleanliness isn’t just about hygiene. It’s about how you feel—mentally and physically. Welcome back to Trust Fun. Let’s talk about what it means to be clean.

Why Clean Spaces Make You Feel Like You Have Your Life Together

Turns out, there’s actual science behind this. According to a study from Princeton’s Neuroscience Institute, clutter competes for your attention, making it harder to focus. Even if you think you’re ignoring it, your brain is working overtime to process the chaos. Another study found that people who described their homes as “cluttered” were more likely to feel stressed, fatigued, and even depressed compared to those in tidy spaces.

But beyond the studies, here’s the truth: A clean space just tricks your brain into thinking you’ve got your life together.
When my apartment is spotless, I’m suddenly:

  • Writing emails I’ve been avoiding for weeks

  • Folding laundry like it’s a competitive sport

  • Making life plans like, “Maybe I’ll start training for a marathon” (I won’t, but the effort is there)

When it’s messy?

  • I scroll LinkedIn for an hour without realizing it

  • Convince myself that cereal counts as dinner

  • I spend way to much time thinking about this Luka for Anthony Davis trade

It’s not about being a neat freak—it’s about creating an environment where you feel capable, productive, and low-key invincible.

If you’ve never hired a cleaning service, consider this your sign.

  • It’s not bougie.

  • It’s not lazy.

  • It’s just smart.

  • It actually has a positive ROI.

And if you can’t swing a cleaning service, that’s fine. Just pick one thing—scrub your bathroom, organize your desk, fold that laundry pile that’s been silently judging you. The shinier, the better.